Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Saint Patrick

WALT retell a story.
WWBSWW tell the story in our own words.
Who St Patrick was and what he liked doing and what he didn't like doing
 - where he was born - what his family was like
He liked walking on the beach. He liked whittling his slingshot.
He hated school.
One day,
- didn't go to school
- went to the beach
- pirates came
- stole him and the other girls and boys
- sold him in Ireland to Milchu
- was a shepherd - looked after sheep and pigs (swine)
- started talked to God - trusted God and was happy
- One night, heard God talking to him - told him to go the a ship
- when he was on board, - big storm - ship grounded in France
- crew starving
- Patrick asked God for help
- God sent him pigs and an apple tree- ate pork dinner and apple sauce

saint patrick hated going to school but after that life he liked
his mum and dad.

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