Wednesday, 9 November 2016

noah atwood

we have to go in the dark jail there was a  man a kin.

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Cook ile


Wednesday, 10 August 2016

The Zoo

Noah 28/7/16 The Zoo
I zoomed to the zoo,and I  watched the chimpanzees, spider monkeys’  the meerkats and the parrots. My real dad brought me and my family but not my grandad Robert because he was still in hospital because his leg was stiff and sore’ that meant he couldn’t walk around  the zoo with my family and my cousin's’ even my brother come to the zoo and it was the best day ever.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016


My poppa went to the war and he was 19 and he liked going to the war. He lived in Ngaruawahia and he always was a soldier! and he had a soldier cap and  soldier armour. I liked him tickling me. and he was way taller than me and he had black hair. His name was Andrew.

Monday, 6 June 2016

The Seven Stars

A long long time ago, there once lived seven little fishes that lived in the sea and they liked to play tag.
One sunny Sunday, their mum told them to not go into the deep sea because the giant would capture
them in his giant net.
They had so much fun that they forgot their mother's warning and they went out in the deep sea. 
The giant scooped them up and that is how Matariki started.

Monday, 23 May 2016

The Forest

Nick and Jamelle were best cousins. They liked going into the forest to see the fat kereru, fly around its nest to find worms.
One sunny autumn day nick and jamelle was walked to the forest. and they saw a slimy wirms clibed up the tree trunk. they saw two pukekus thay followed them nick disided two run with one pukeku and jamelle stayed to play with the pukeu took nick down a path away from jamelle. the path now looked unfamiliar he diden't  reconised anything. nick colled mum!'' his mum heard him and came runing to him i'm coming she called loudly.                                                                                                                     

Sunday, 22 May 2016

The Snake

WALT make up a story about a Pet Day problem.
  • Begin with an orientation to tell the reader who, did what, where and when.
“Pet Day will be on Friday,” Miss Anderson, Tom’s teacher, announced to the class on Monday. “Bring your pet to school and tell us about it, then we will have a pet parade.”
Tom was so excited. He would be able to bring Harry to school to 
show everyone.
  • Write the events leading up to the problem.
At the end of the day, he ran all the way home to get his pet ready for Friday.
He loved Harry and had wanted to show his friends for a long time, but his mum and dad had told him that Harry must never leave the house; but, now, his
teacher had given him permission to bring it to school.
Smilingly, he polished Harry’s green silky skin, talking to it with his friendly voice. “You’re allowed to come to school, Harry. You can meet my friends and my friends can meet you.”
As soon as Friday came around, Harry carefully took Harry out of its cage and placed him into his black backpack. He couldn’t wait to get to school, so he ran
all the way.
When the bell rang, he and the rest of the class stepped into the 
  • Write the problem.
Tom opened his backpack to show his friends what he had brought to school for Pet Day.
“It’s a green, slippery, slimey …...................” he said slowly. “Snake!” he 
“Tom Denver, give me that thing right now!” Miss Anderson 
Tom opened his hand to pass it over, but, at that moment, naughty Billy Burton lunged to grab it himself. He bumped Tom’s shoulder and Tom hurtled forward, the snake flying out of his hand to the back of the classroom.
“Eeeeeee! Where is it?” squealed Miss Anderson.
Chaos threatened in Room 4.  Children jumped up and ran around, screeching
their lungs out and pushing over chairs and desks, trying to find Tom’s snake.

  • Write the events to tell your readers how the problem was solved.
Suddenly, Tom had an idea. They stuck some glue on the edge of a piece of paper then they put some meat from Tom's lunchbox into the middle of the paper trap.

The snake tried to eat the meat.

The trap caught him and Tom put him back in his backpack.

“Naughty Harry,” said Tom.

Well done, Noah. Always work quickly to complete your writing in time.

From Jamling Tenzing

To all the children of St. Paul's primary school, greetings from the Himalayas.
I know you have been following John and our journey to the to roof of the world. I hope you learned something about our mountains and culture.
I invite you all to join me one day to visit our part of the world.

Hi my name is Noah, thank you for your  pictures and videos of your trip to Mount Everest. Maybe I can go to Mount Everest with you when I am older.

Jamling Tenzing Hi Noah, I'm glad you liked the photos and video of our journey. When you are older, do let me know when you want to visit the Himalayas, I would be happy to take you and your class mates there.

Mount Everest

Monday, 16 May 2016

The Magic Show

Jonathon's magic was incredible. It was such fun that I do it, too. 
Jonathon slowly put a balloon in his mouth then he put a donut in his mouth then it turned into a fake donut. 
He opened a can of coca cola zero and he tipped it out and it was still in it.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

The Circus

Yesterday I went to the  circus with my mum. I went inside. I paid for the circus. They did a 360 on the  Next they did a forward flip. then thay ran arand the circus.

Thursday, 14 April 2016

The Zoo

We went to the zoo. Michael loves red pandas, and spider monkeys eat birds' eggs and insects. 
We went to the birds. The spider monkey skidded from vine to vine. It was a surprise.
My favourite animal is a rhino.

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Saint Patrick

WALT retell a story.
WWBSWW tell the story in our own words.
Who St Patrick was and what he liked doing and what he didn't like doing
 - where he was born - what his family was like
He liked walking on the beach. He liked whittling his slingshot.
He hated school.
One day,
- didn't go to school
- went to the beach
- pirates came
- stole him and the other girls and boys
- sold him in Ireland to Milchu
- was a shepherd - looked after sheep and pigs (swine)
- started talked to God - trusted God and was happy
- One night, heard God talking to him - told him to go the a ship
- when he was on board, - big storm - ship grounded in France
- crew starving
- Patrick asked God for help
- God sent him pigs and an apple tree- ate pork dinner and apple sauce

saint patrick hated going to school but after that life he liked
his mum and dad.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

The Rocket

The rocket looked cool. The rocket was cold. We ran across  the rocket, but we fell off. We tried again then we got out and we got dried. 

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Year of the Monkey

sshin-nyen kwhy-ler


Happy Chinese New Year. 
2016 is the Year of the Monkey.

Swimming 2016

I got into the pool. It was very fresh and the side was slippery. I said, "Aaaaaaa! it's cold." After that, I made a starfish with my arms and legs out. We got out and got changed into our school uniform.